Scientists announce discovery of ancient buildings in the Amazon No polished stones, no hatchets, much less an archaeological site. Imposing buildings may have been built with advanced technologies. It is a legacy of the MURIL Civilization for humanity
São Paulo, Brasil
December 22, 2023 11:36 AM Eastern Standard Time

São Paulo, Brasil, Dec. 22, 2023 - (500NewsWire) -- Humanity's greatest secret may have been revealed by the Dakila Research team with the identification of gigantic constructions in various parts of the Amazon region. After intense fieldwork carried out over 30 years, scholars defined the main area to deepen research in a portion of the territory of the municipality of Apiacás/MT, which became known as “Quadras de Ratanabá”, as it presents characteristics consistent with the existence of ancient civilizations. For this purpose, LiDAR – Light Detection and Ranging – was used mainly for the equipment that, based on light detection, allows the generation of a digital model of the Earth's surface, characterizing structures and vegetation. Analysis of these results shows very peculiar shapes in the relief that were not sculpted by natural forces.

At this location in Apiacás, streets measuring 60, 70 and up to 90 meters in width and up to 27 km in length were identified, partly covered by sediments left by the last deluge. The courts measure 450 meters wide by 650 meters long and are symmetrically perfect. All measurements were made using LiDAR technology and the GPS device used in the field.
Inside the blocks, the staggered formation covered by soil and vegetation can be clearly observed. It is, without a doubt, the greatest find that humanity has ever had access to. At the end of a few blocks, there are fountains of water that appear unexpectedly and, in a few meters, disappear into the ground, as if they were entering a sinkhole.
Next, a GPR – Ground Penetrating Radar or Geo Radar – was used, which uses high-frequency magnetic waves to locate objects and structures under the ground. Exactly where the water disappears, galleries fifteen meters wide by four meters high and more than a kilometer long were identified, in addition to other neighboring galleries, indicating that the water was channeled into the galleries.
Dozens of holes were located at the ends of several blocks, with 8, 27 and up to 48 meters in diameter, depth still under investigation. Most of these holes have a spiral shape and all are close to the networks of galleries identified by the GPR.
Near these constructions, researchers find some skeletons of giants and several skulls, most of which are elongated both horizontally and vertically. According to the preliminary analysis, the skeletons correspond to individuals of 4, 9 and even 12 meters in height. It is an unprecedented discovery and will help create an important timeline for the origin of humanity, especially in Brazil. This part of the survey is so important that Dakila Research will carry out more detailed studies in the coming months.
The CEO and president of Dakila Research, Urandir Fernandes de Oliveira, who is also the research leader, says that it was surprising that they were able to make so many discoveries. “There are so many traces that it would need at least fifty teams of nine people, on average, each one working at the identified points, not counting the logistics to overcome the difficulties encountered in the dense forest. Ratanabá extends far beyond Brazil and South America,” he revealed.
Through LiDAR analysis, the team identified several pyramids, walkways, galleries, vaults, walls, staircases, ramps, balconies and more. A true urban complex mixed amid vegetation and sediments. “This is not an archaeological find, but a legacy left by a matrix civilization, which used super-advanced technologies, with architectural standards and design far beyond what we have today”, pointed out Oliveira.
The building models of this civilization differ from anything that has been found to date, such as ruins, huts, and other rudimentary constructions. According to the research leader, the difference is striking, and, for this reason, the evidence obtained from Dakila's research cannot be considered archaeological findings, but proof of the existence of a large cosmopolitan metropolis hidden in the forest.
About the archaeological findings, dozens of pre-floods and medieval cities were found in the regions of Manaus, São Gabriel da Cachoeira, Costa Marques, Apuí, São Miguel do Guaporé, Vista Alegre do Abunã, Lábrea and Serra da Muralha – all located in the north of Brazil. On the east side of the finds and amidst the vegetation, these discoveries have intriguing structures that continue into the forest and beyond the states of Roraima, Amapá and other locations. In the words of the president of Dakila Research, “Now these are archaeological sites. On the outskirts of Ratanabá, already on the surface, we found shipwrecks containing historical relics”.
Advanced technologies
All these places have petroglyphs, that is, drawings engraved in rocks, with a technology that is still unknown. Despite attempts to reproduce how these pictograms were made, there was never a plausible explanation that showed how these symbols were engraved, let alone their real meaning. Mapping the drawings in all these places, not only in Brazil, but in other parts of the world, the team of researchers from Dakila finally managed to unravel the mystery.
"Throughout these years, we discovered that the illustrations were made by the remnants of the creators of the human race, who left true maps on stones shortly after the last great flood, so that in the future we could find again the various main bases of Ratanabá built in the Amazon. We found evidence of a tool they used called Cavital, a type of pencil capable of producing inscriptions and drawings in low and high relief on any surface”, clarified Oliveira.
The most recent example was found at the Pedra Preta site in Paranaíta/MT. The team found the drawings of the Ratanabá courts in the petroglyphs and were able to plot them on top of the mapping done by LiDAR. "We have to think that there at Pedra Preta, the remnants drew what was left in their minds in an attempt to find these places again. So we don't expect perfection or symmetry in the drawings, but in proportion, checking the LiDAR study, they are correct”, pointed out researcher Fernanda Lima.
Not only were maps and location indications discovered by analyzing the petroglyphs, but also the key to life extension and, who knows, rejuvenation, a technology and heritage left to mankind. Ratanabá keeps traces and information from a genetic laboratory, which the researchers from Dakila witnessed and where they collected data that show alterations made to chromosomes 2 and 3 and the P53 and P57 proteins in human DNA, causing our chromosomes to undergo considerable shortening at the base of telomeres during cell multiplication, thus causing diseases and aging of human beings.
In the case of archaeological finds, except for Ratanabá – the heritage of Brazilians –, it was also possible to see three large cities, indicating that they are famous and coveted by archaeologists and researchers from all over the world: Akakor, Akahim and Ofir, true fortresses. From now on, Dakila's next steps consist of gathering the archaeological evidence from the research and producing a report to be sent to National Historical and Artistic Heritage Institute - IPHAN in Portuguese – for studies.
Technical advice
Archaeologist and geographer Saulo Ivan Nery, in his technical opinion on the LiDAR images on the Ratanabá courts, reported that the research carried out by Dakila Research identified anthropic cuts (made by human action) on the ground, which were compared with the nets of natural drainage in the region. Geological and geomorphological surveys were also used as a basis, in addition to data from the IBGE (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics), as well as data regarding the depth, width and length of the cuts.
According to the archaeologist, in the images obtained with the LiDAR, the difference between the drainage patterns and the anthropic cuts identified in the structure known as “chess” recorded by the images is clear. A transverse cut was also observed in the residual plateau, demonstrating how the pattern of the cuts does not follow the logic of the water in the relief.
The archaeologist also reveals that the “chess” is formed by cuts in the ground that intersect, forming what we call blocks. 29 sections were identified, of which only 4 were sinuous, and the remaining 25 were straight, indicating the anthropic origin of the structures.
In turn, the historian and editor of Enigmas Magazine, André de Pierre, says that it is possible to observe in the images obtained through LiDAR straight lines that indicate buildings in ruins. He also stated that, historically, it makes perfect sense that a large city would have developed in that region in ancient times. As an example, he mentioned that archaeologists from the University of Exeter, in England, discovered evidence of ancient civilizations with up to 1 million inhabitants in the ancient world, in the southern Amazon alone. Furthermore, he mentioned the famous case of Colonel Percy Fawcett, who disappeared in the 1920's in the north of Mato Grosso, while searching for the lost city he called "Z".
Professor Dr. Tadeu Leonardo Soares e Silva, from the State University of Rio de Janeiro - UERJ, says that, like all the research carried out by Dakila Research, this one also produced an impressive amount of data. Added to the quality of the analyzes carried out by the team, they will certainly transform the foundations of contemporary archeology, thus promoting the possibility of reconstructing human history.
The former professor from Goiás, Francisco Pedro Charu Neto, graduated in Geography and with a master’s in theology, defended in a scientific article entitled “Ratanabá, lost archeology”, that the research carried out by Dakila “may put in check important periods of history and, with that, a good part of the books will have to be rewritten.” According to the professor, the group of Brazilians who have been studying archeology and ancient civilizations in the Amazon for decades, bring concrete evidence that, in some remote time, ancient and advanced civilizations lived in the Amazon region.
Studies by Dakila Research, reinforces the professor, carried out through field expeditions (2004 - 2005) and LiDAR scanning over the region of Ratanabá blocks in the Amazon (2022), found geoglyphs, forts, pyramids, walls, large cities , huge underground galleries, coins, ceramics, swords, chests, solar disks, astronomical calendars, mathematical formulas, cave paintings, petroglyphs, artifacts of all kinds, Phoenician ships sunk in rivers, evidence of King Solomon in the Amazon and even traces and skeletons of giants. There are several archaeological finds that have been found around the world that prove that a race of giants walked the Earth in ancient times. And all of this being researched and proven by a group of Brazilians restructures the pillars of science.
For Márcio Pichel, director of the Licentia Institute and the Além da Nuvem channel, based on historical research, there is enough archaeological evidence to state that advanced civilizations (coming from an East close to our continent) inhabited Brazil in the pre-Columbian period. However, he would like to draw attention to the Silurian Hypothesis, formulated by astrophysicists Gavin Schmidt, from NASA, and Adam Frank, from the University of Rochester, who published an academic article defending the hypothesis that, in a very remote past, perhaps on the order of millions of years, an advanced ancient civilization may have inhabited Earth.
According to the hypothesis, explains Márcio, it would be extremely difficult to detect such a presence, if it occurred more than 4 million years ago. The name "Silurian" was given in reference to an ancient fictional race from the Dr. Who, who inhabited Earth hundreds of millions of years ago. On the geological time scale, there is also the Silurian period, from about 400 million years ago. “I believe that this idea aligns with the theory of Dakila Research about Ratanabá”, he said.
The president of Dakila assures that the complex of identified structures is from a gigantic “mother civilization” originating from the Muril, the first inhabitants of Earth. “We proved that the beginning of all existing cultures and knowledge was, in fact, derived from Ratanabá, the cradle and origin of everything”, he celebrated, highlighting the relevance of Brazil in the historical context.
The main advances of this unprecedented Brazilian research are disclosed in its official media on Instagram (@dakilapesquisas and @ratanaba.oficial), maintaining the transparency of information and proximity to everyone interested in Ratanabá. Follow!
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Urandir Oliveira
+55 67 99803-3999